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Bio Flo + 50 Ltr

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Bio Flo + 50 Ltr

Product Details
Brand: Burtons

Bioflo+ is a wheel shaped media with internal fins and large openings, offering a protected surface area of 800m²/m³.

Bioflo+ is designed to provide a large protected surface area for the biofilm and optimal conditions for the bacteria culture when the media are suspended in water. A durable, rugged and highly efficient media for moving bed biological Filters.

Its innovative design creates a high percentage of protected surface area for micro-organisms to adhere. In turn, this increases the overall biomass concentration. Large openings allow for the wastewater to freely pass through the media which helps maintain a healthy and thin biofilm.


  • Large active surface area, compact and low weight.
  • Durable, long life and perfect for use in all aquatic systems with minimal clogging.
  • Excellent replacement with easy upgrade for existing filter media in both internal and external filters to dramatically increase filter capacity when used in aquariums.
  • Corrosion resistant material suitable for both Mechanical and biological filtration.
  • Designed to provide maximum protected surface area for bacteria to colonise

Technical Information



Specific Gravity



16.75 mmø x 5 mm

Total Surface Area

1036 m² / m³

Protected Surface Area

800 m² / m³



Weight (dry)

215 kg / m³

Flow Direction

Non specific

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